The forward-thinking /future-focused organizations have already taken the initiative of the home office using the technology and struggling to fit in the pandemic situation. It is such a sudden challenge for which the organizations and employees were not at all ready and they had to face it without any notice. So the employees faced two challenges together:
Ensuring productivity using technology
To fit with the new Working Environment
While facing the above challenges, the management has to identify the solution for the following:
How to Help
Where to Help
Believing that Employees really need the Help
The following points may help the organizations to go forward:
First of all, organizations need to help the employees to develop the mindset of the home office.
Give the training on the implemented solution
Helping them to set an environment of office tasks.
Also, organizations need to develop a trust culture among the employees.
Employees also face the following challenges:
Maintaining productivity
Fitting themselves in the working environment
It is true that the pandemic situation will be over but the organizations which will be able to survive during this period will have a great advancement in the future. The employees can take the following measures to stay safe from any threats in their professional life:
Should take training on home office operation tools
Try to be positive
Give a break on daily routines
Develop more bonds with coworkers
Should know the effective use of Smartphones
Should Know Proper Use of Social Media
Should develop the soft skills which will help them to tackle environmental challenges
Should Know the recommended documentation process of the organizations
New CRM tools
Should have the ability to ensure the productivity tackling the issues at home office cultures.
Timely reporting on work progress
Visibility on recommended channels
Upgrading knowledge of relevant industries
Most importantly effective communication with the management through the prescribed channels would make a huge impact on employeeâs performance.
Amena Hasan, Sr. Assistant Director, Daffodil International University
And also a creative content developer and working as a Business Communication Expert. Currently, she is holding the office of the national president of CYFI, Google Educators Group (Dhaka).
Defining Happiness in the general sense is easy, most of the time we tend to give attention to the thing that we want or crave for long to win it. To measure Happiness, we need to define it first but the definition also varies from person to person and ages. To a kid, happiness means chocolate, to a teen it means to get a book or bi-cycle, to a young man/woman, it means to get admission in the desired subject, to get a job after student life or to get a car/beautiful home, etc. To others, it may be living a healthy or hassles free life is called happiness. For some people, it means destroying everything. Also the definition of happiness changes as we grow old. The song which sounds to me like an annoying chorus that is the melody to a todayâs kid. Also, the Nobel Prize-winning psychologist defined it happiness with four levels: Subjective, Genetic, Emotional, and Senses. But in every case, sustainability or wellness is attached and the actual happiness is proved to have in giving back to family/society/community. Happiness is no longer a feeling rather it is shown as a practice (Practice makes Perfect). Remaining happy is art or challenge to all of us. Also, we have three brains:
REPTILE Brain: Reptile Brain is for basic stuff. For example, the stress we can fight, flight, or freeze, in happiness we smile.
MAMMAL Brain: It is for emotions, as we help one another, show anger to other people, helping one another.
HUMAN Brain: Basically it gives us insight, cooperation, discovering, increase of intelligence.
Our Brains always grow; whichever part we nurture it will grow. So happiness is a choice also. In a minute we have the choice of becoming happy or anger and if we show anger we are exactly loosing 60 seconds time from our life. It is connected with the feeling of Self Satisfaction as well. It is to do the best that we can do by exploring our full potential. Also, happiness comes by focusing on what we have not on what we do not have. Since life is a journey, not the destination that we always think of, and here every moment is a gift for us all and a great attitude can always lead to a great experience. Do we really smile when we see someone? Or we do wait until a smile comes from another person? We have to exchange a smile and it is a choice for us all.
To remain happy in life it takes just a few things to consider-
Be simple & Be Grateful
Focus on what you can give not on what you deserve to take
Whatever you do, give your 100%, own it
Be honest so that you donât need to tell lie to hide anything
Believe in Integrity, Care others, be with family
Accept the truth that life is all about winning and losing. True Fact is that happiness will not come from the advice that we receive from others. We know ourselves and we know our limitations and potentiality. We have to find it from us. As a whole, happiness is a personâs own choice, to make life happy or sad by his own acts. So I want to conclude with the question “Are you happy wherever you are now?”
Enjoy the song….
Mr. K M Hasan Ripon, Writer, Public Speaker, Skill Development Activist for Industry 4.0 | Soft Skills | Entrepreneurship Development