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Are you an Obsessed Leader?

Obsessed leadership is a style of leadership in which a leader is too focused on a single goal, idea, or outcome, often at the expense of other important aspects of leadership and the effectiveness of the business as a whole. Passion and hard work are good qualities for a leader to have, but an obsession can lead to a number of problems:

Tunnel vision: Leaders who are too obsessed on one goal may lose sight of the bigger picture and fail to look at other points of view or plans.

Lack of Adaptability: When leaders are fixated on a certain result, they may not be able to adapt to new circumstances or feedback, which can make it harder for the organization to deal with problems.

Stress and overworking: Leaders who are too obsessed on one thing may work themselves and their teams to exhaustion, which can lead to stress and less work over time.

Neglecting Team Development: Leaders who are too obsessed on their own success or goals might forget about the growth and development of their team members, which could hold them back from reaching their full potential.

Unable to Maintain Relationships: Relationships can get tense because obsessive behavior can make people focus on one goal instead of the wants and contributions of others, which can make it hard for people to get along.

Me Syndrome: A Leader who is too focused on himself or herself often has “Me Syndrome,” which means that he or she is more concerned with his or her own wants, interests, and goals than with the team’s or organization’s well-being as a whole. In these situations, the leader’s actions and decisions may mainly serve their own goals or agendas, rather than thinking about how they will affect the team, stakeholders, or the long-term success of the company as a whole.

Blame Other: A Leader who is too focused on himself or herself might be quick to say, “It’s your fault.” This is because they are very focused on reaching their goals or seeing their vision come to life, and they may not want to take credit for any setbacks or failures. Instead of taking responsibility for what they did, they may put the blame on other team members, employees, or outside forces.

Micro Management: Micromanagement is more likely to happen when a leader is very focused on something. When a leader watches too closely and too often over every part of their team’s work, this is called micromanagement. It often shows that the leader doesn’t trust their team members’ skills. Obsessed leaders want to be in charge and may feel like they need to be involved in every part of their team’s projects and tasks.

Threatening: A leader who is too focused on himself or herself can be dangerous to his or her team members by making threats like letting them go or firing them from their jobs. When a leader is too focused on one goal or result, they may do anything to reach it, even if it means putting the health and safety of their team members at risk.

Effective leadership requires a mix between passion and reason, with a focus on achieving goals while also thinking about the team’s and organization’s well-being as a whole. Leaders should be aware of the risks of getting too obsessed and try to lead in a way that is healthy and well-rounded.


K M Hasan Ripon, Executive Director, BSDI

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Why you need new skills and continuous learning to advance in your Job!

The fast-changing job market of today makes it easy to move up in your field. A degree or set of skills that would promise a job for life. To be successful in your job today, you need to keep learning. This blog talks about how learning new things can help your job.

In a workplace where things change quickly, you need to keep learning to stay useful. Professionals have to keep updating their skills to keep up with technology, business trends, and client needs. You can show companies how valuable you are by keeping up with changes in the business.

Upgrading Professional Competence:

Your professional competence will go up as you learn new skills and improve the ones you already have. Employers look for learners because they want to improve. Your understanding, ability to solve problems, and ability to deal with hard situations all get better when you keep learning.

Example: Nahida, a professional in marketing. In the digital age, she understood that her traditional marketing skills were becoming less useful. Amena didn’t want to ruin her career, so she took online classes on digital marketing, data analytics, and social media trends. Because of this, Amena’s marketing efforts became more data-driven, targeted, and successful, which impressed her employers and she got promotion with salary increment for her Measurable outcomes.

Opening up new opportunities:

Learning helps you get ahead in your current job and prepares you for new opportunities in the future. If you keep learning, you’ll be ready for new chances, such as promotions, moves within the same department, and career changes. A growth mindset lets you see more and try new jobs.

Example: Nishat, who worked as a software developer, knew how important it was to keep up with new technologies. He attended tech conferences, took computer boot camps, and worked every day on open-source projects. He got a great job at a cutting-edge technology company because he worked hard and kept learning. This gave him new opportunities to advance in his work and think of new ideas.

Getting more flexible and strong:

Learning new things all the time makes you more adaptable and strong, which are important skills in a fast-paced workplace. Learning new technology and responding quickly to changes in business gives you an edge over your competitors. A willingness to learn gives you the confidence to deal with uncertainty.

Example: As a project manager, Kamal Khan had to deal with the fact that the market was always changing. To do well in this fast-paced place, he was always willing to learn something new. Kamal was able to improve his ability to adapt quickly, solve problems quickly, and lead his team through hard times by taking leadership classes.

Leadership skills:

Learning helps both skills and leadership. As you learn, you can teach your coworkers, help less experienced team members, and lead. A team member who helps others learn is a valuable asset.

Example: Emily, who works in human resources, knew that getting better at being a leader would help her make a big difference. She went to seminars on leadership, helped younger team members as a mentor, and started knowledge-sharing sessions at her business. Emily’s positive attitude not only helped her become a better leader, but also helped her team grow and work together.

Build a growth network.

A common way to keep learning is to meet new people and join workshops, seminars, or online courses. Meeting other workers in your field is a great way to make new connections and learn new things. A good professional network can help, give advice, and maybe even work together.

Example: Rebel, who was in charge of sales, knew how important networking was to his job. He went to many events in his field, talked to potential clients, and joined online sales groups. Not only did his networking keep him up to date on the latest market trends, but it also led to relationships that helped him grow his business.

In a job market that is always changing, it’s important to keep learning throughout your work. Learning new things keeps you ahead of the game and opens doors. You can take charge of your job by developing your leadership and professional skills through continuous learning. Always keep in mind that learning new things is an investment in yourself and your future. So start, try new things, and watch your job grow as you learn.



K M Hasan Ripon

Executive Director, Bangladesh Skill Development Institute (BSDI)

Email: [email protected]

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How to find your first job after graduation from University/Polytechnic.

To find a job that matches one’s talents, qualifications, and career aspirations, one must actively search for and apply for jobs. It’s an important part of a career and can be difficult and rewarding. To improve your chances of finding work, follow these suggestions:

Customize/Edit your CV or resume:

In your CV or resume, be sure to highlight any related projects or extracurricular activities. The projects you worked on during your time as a student. As well as your education, internships, and skills that are important to the job.

Video Resume:

Video resumes let job seekers show off their creativity, charm, and communication skills. It shows off both hard skills and soft skills, giving hiring managers a full picture of how well the candidate fits into the business mindset. Video resumes are especially helpful in the media, arts, and marketing industries because they let people show off their experience and give employers a chance to see how they present themselves, how confident they are, and what their skills are.

Use your college’s career services to their fullest.

Many schools and universities offer career services that can help you find a job, write a resume, prepare for an interview, and network with people who might hire you. If you need help, go to the career center on your college.



Maintain Your Network:

One way to network is to use your personal and business networks. Tell your friends, family, professors, and coworkers that you are looking for work. Sometimes, suggestions from people you know can put you in a better position.

Online job platforms:

Set up accounts on well-known job-search websites and social media sites for workers, such as LinkedIn. Look for and apply for appropriate entry-level jobs on a regular basis.

Apply Volunteering Experience:

Volunteering and jobs are both great ways to meet new people and get experience in the real world. From time to time, an internship can lead to a full-time job offer.

Increase Your Visibility:

You can talk to recruiters and hiring managers in person at job fairs and networking events, whether they are in person or online.

Company Research:

Do study on companies to find ones that share your professional goals and interests. Do a thorough search on these companies, find out what it’s like to work there, and then use their websites to directly apply for any open jobs.

Create Custom Applications:

For each job you apply for, make a cover letter and application that are tailored to that job and show how your experience and qualifications match the needs of the role.

Develop Interview Skills:

Prepare for interviews by looking at sample answers to common interview questions, making a list of stories from your own life, and practicing talking smoothly about your skills and achievements.

Accept Rejection:

When looking for a job, it’s normal to get turned down, so it’s important to keep trying and stay positive. Be determined and positive while you’re looking for a job.

Skill Development:

If you have some time between graduating and getting a job, you might want to take online classes or get certifications to improve your skills and make your resume more appealing to employers.

Personal Projects and Portfolios:

If it’s acceptable in your field, you might want to put together personal projects or showcases that show off your skills and creativity. This can be very helpful for artistic fields like design, writing, and coding.

Don’t hesitate for Personal Branding:

Personal branding can be done well with tools like LinkedIn, Twitter, and business blogs. A strong personal brand can help build trust and credibility in a field. Employers look at candidates’ social media profiles to see how they act online and how professional they are. To show their experience, knowledge, and interest, candidates share consistent and smart content on their profiles. Personal branding can lead to meeting new people, working with others, and getting job offers. Social media also helps candidates connect with leaders in their field and possible companies. This helps them build their professional networks and opens up new opportunities.


Just remember that getting your first job can take some time. Be flexible and keep changing your plans when you get feedback. Even after you finish, you still need to be proactive, keep learning, and make connections if you want to increase your chances of getting the perfect job. Best wishes!



K M Hasan Ripon, Executive Director

Bangladesh Skill Development Institute (BSDI)

Email: [email protected]