Presentation title

4IR-Preparedness for Bangladesh

There is a big buzz in the market on Fourth Industrial Revolution. Industry Leaders, Academicians, Government and Policy Makers are discussing on this issue and made us little concerned on the change factors. Already we are experiencing change in everywhere. Innovation and technological advancement is slowly changing our life styles. We can see the impact in everywhere. We can predict that the world after 10/15 years will be different and the change will be so fast that was ever before. So the question comes how today’s kids are taking preparation for the unseen future or how our young generation is taking preparation to face the challenges of time? The preparedness is the prime importance now otherwise our next generation leaders will not be able to compete with the world and fit themselves in the change circumstances.

Let us go back to the past to understand the change steps. The first industrial revolution was sourced by the steam engines and postal communication. The second revolution was prompted by the electricity generation and telegraph. The third industrial revolution was led by IT and renewable energy. Whereas, the Fourth Industrial revolution has been triggered by the technological advancement and with the advent of Internet!

Learn More Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0, started off as a brainchild of Germany and being adopted by countries around the world. Already USA, France and Japan have already taken the first step in this direction by launching nation-wide programs. If we carefully see the change steps, we find that every revolution was forced by the innovation and invention. The shift between third and fourth revolution took very less time than it took for second to third revolution. So, it is the point which we need to consider while developing the next generation leaders. Also, the new invention is bringing higher levels of automation, inter-connectivity, and efficiencies in machines. Now we are experiencing collaboration between humans to machines and machine to machine in a less directed and more productive manner. The jobs are becoming more digital and less manual. The pattern of the job is changing and it is digitized now. So it is changing the business process and this new style of business is looking for new skills among the youth.

So, we have to think on this point. Are we preparing our kids/youth considering the change pattern? It might be difficult to predict on future change situation in business and works but we need to equip them with the skills so that they can fit themselves at any change circumstances.

Watch How Japan preparing their Kids

According to a new report by Deloitte Global and GBC-Education, 1.8 billion youth worldwide stand at the risk of being left behind by the changes that the fourth industrial revolution will bring. In this point we have to identify what qualities/skills the future leader should develop. The youth have to develop critical thinking and judgment-based skills, focus on practical learning.  The internship/apprenticeship at an early age with the industry will definitely help them to know the job market but they must go through the lifelong learning schedule and it is obvious. While adopting the challenges of I 4.0, countries are facing some challenges. Work force are now expected to have new skills in the domain of information technology, data analytics, etc. We are already experiencing a big mismatch between the skill sets job applicants have and the skill sets they are expected to possess. Also, the adoption of I4.0 presents a threat to BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) as there will be a big gap to competitiveness.

Education 4.0:

At the advent of industry 4.0 we are witnessing an interconnected society where Education Systems need to be changed adopting the technologies. We have to consider the following points:

  • Education Systems must be Demand-led instead of supply-led
  • The system should be Competency-based instead of knowledge-based
  • Add disruptive technologies &skill-sets
  • The system must support Lifelong learning instead of front-loaded learning
  • It should be Integrated Degree instead of one-shot going
  • Emphasis on EQ than IQ alone

 Growth Mindset of the Youth; Self Preparedness:

While considering the change pattern of the industry shall we only depend on Government or Policy makers to ensure our preparedness? The answer would be no. The change time also demand a resilient young generation, who have the ability to respond positively to life’s challenges. The Young generation should have the following qualities:

  • Mindset to hold about their own abilities to change and grow
  • To take self-development initiative
  • To have attitude for lifelong learning
  • To have creative mind
  • To have knowledge on Global Industries

Learn More about GROWTH MINDSET

Perspective Bangladesh:

Bangladesh’s preparedness for the adoption of Industry 4.0 is low. Only Govt and few private institutions has only been initiated some action plan. We are yet to see any institutional arrangements to map the change that is consuming the world at a very rapid pace. While we are experiencing the change in the Business and Works, are we preparing the youth considering the change dimension? It might be difficult to develop every job skills now, but one point is very clear to us that we cannot educate or train up the youth with all the required skills they may need for the unseen future but at least we can develop the qualities and skills by which they can survive and fit them well in the future place.

On the other hand, every year, millions of youth are entering to the job market. And the employment situation will go worst if we can’t develop them as per the requirements. So, the question comes in mind how our young generation are taking preparation to face the challenges and handle the unexpected situation? Are we prepared? We are already a blessed nation with 180 Million people where majority are the Young population. So, we have to initiate the preparation process considering the Young Population. Before taking the Change Initiative we must understand that the new economy will not be a threat if we can develop the future skills, rather it will create opportunity or change the Job Nature that exist now. So, the Young Generation should be developed considering the Change Factors in the Job Market.

Our Policy Makers may think of the following steps:

  • Change in the Education Systems. We need to shift it from traditional class room practices, for example, memorizing to practical hands on training
  • The Teaching & Learning methodology must be changes. We should focus to develop the Analytical Skills of the Young Generation
  • Tomorrows World will be driven by Brain Power rather than Muscle Power. We must design the course curricula accordingly.
  • Map our industry for labor market information
  • analyze the sectors to find where the jobs are going to be created,
  • Identify the jobs that are going to disappear, and align our education and skill programs to meet the real needs
  • The Organization should focus on Business Policy to remain relevant
  • should change the Education Policy.
  • Students must learn sills like Robotics, AI, 3D, Block Chain, Big Data, which means we need to include STEM
  • We have to start reforming our education system from primary level if we consider 2030. Our today’s kids are the main focus of tomorrow’s world. They will compete in a world which will be much advanced and unknown to us. So they have to be Critical Thinker with deep Analytical Skills. They must drive the time with adequate emotional intelligence, and we have to teach them how to ask quality question. And for this we need to ensure Brain Based Learning Methodology.

It is obvious that, the change process would not be as easy as we think of. But the preparedness should come from both the Individual and from Organizations level else success will not come.

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Industry 4.0, preparing ourselves for unseen future!

We all have a question in mind, how would be the future world for us? Every day we are talking about invention, innovation, technological revolution, opportunities, threats but how does these factors are going to take control in our lives? Most importantly are we ready for the future world?

Let’s take look back to the past to understand the change factors ahead. The technological invention started 3.3 million years back from now. The purpose was to serve the Human. Following this trend lot of inventions have taken place. New inventions brought new scopes and took away old practices. If we want to be more specific, then we can see, with the arrival of bronze tools, stone tools workers lost their job and at the advent of iron tools, the bronze tools workers also became jobless during the time. We are going through the same situation now. The change process is faster now. With new technological advancement, our works are getting automated. The Robots are created by humans to serve us. Again, the robots are brought in the competition with humans now. It is such a complex situation if we just think in general sense. Also, with the invention of Radio Frequency Identification, computing and high-speed networking we are already connected with entire world. The computers are now more powerful and have the Artificial Intelligence, which can recognize the face, compose music or understand spoken language.  So, once what we thought only human can do now Computer is taking that place!

Let’s take a very common example from our daily life. Every day we travel lot of places with Buses and Cars. So driving is a profession for many peoples in the entire globe. With the advancement of technology soon we are going to find driver-less vehicles. It means the Drivers are losing their job. It is not the end here. The Computer is going be a threat for the professionals at the Hospital and in the restaurant as well. Till today, the doctors are operating on the patients or pathologist are taking tests and level of anesthesia during the surgical procedure are decided by special doctor. But time is near when the complex surgical procedure, CAT scan or even low-level anesthesia will be decided by Computer.  The restaurant jobs will also take a shift. It is not far when machine will take the job of chef and cook our favorite healthy recipe for us. Many of office job will not exist but new scope will open.

Question is where we are heading to?  

It is such a complex situation if we just think in general sense, then we will understand we need preparedness to face such challenges! In this dramatic situation, Globalization has speed up the entire process. We are now competing with our next class or local organizations but our country of birth is no longer our identity. We are already a Global Citizen where even the highly skilled humans are in risk and competition is with entire world. In the past 20 years Technological Invention and Globalization have already made peoples job less in Manufacturing Industry worldwide. It is predicted that many industries will become irrelevant in the days ahead or worker will loss job due to automation or globalization. A report from Oxford says that, in next 20 years 47% jobs will be replaced by Technology. However, 70 million people are at a risk to lose the job. This is because the transition would be difficult for many workers. Then the question comes how to survive from this situation? Is it going to in against of Humans? The big questions come in mind. To face the change pattern and fit ourselves in the change process every time we need to develop skills. We need to learn new technology, new skills. We need to know the demand of the time and update us accordingly. Let’s focus on the preparedness that Organization or Individual must have to face the challenges of future times:

How the Organization should take preparation?

A very interesting report read few days back. US Companies listed in the Fortune 500 exist only for 18 years in average now, which was previously 61 years!  The same happened in UK too. But why this happened? The organizations which survived in the competition does have the relevance, brought innovation, considered the risk factors. Any kind of Industrial revolution brings risks of becoming irrelevance at a certain time. The organization must change as per the time demand, have the intelligence to see what are the changes coming ahead and now. So always have to bring innovation, change the strategy. If the organization fails to adopt changes, bring innovation and set strategy accordingly then its survival is at risk! Today’s strength may not be relevance in future. Organization must do SWOT Analysis at a certain time. And the leader must understand the dynamics and keep the change process rolling.

Preparation of Individual:

Many reports already predicted that due to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and new economy, many peoples will loss the job! We are moving to a destination which is already unknown to us. It is already mentioned that the future time will bring some challenges, technology will drive the Humans, Urbanizations will be speed up, and Industrialization will grow faster. The new changes will bring challenges before us. The success/survival from this situation will depend on what type of jobs we are doing now. It is true that the change pattern will have impact on the job market. On the other hand, many new opportunities will be created. It means jobs will be there but the pattern of the job may be different.  Many opportunity will be bloomed but the skills requirements will be different considering the pattern of jobs. The safer jobs will include those that are far less repetitive and much more creative. They include scientists, Technologist, healthcare providers, educators, gardeners, plumbers, and eldercare providers. We can’t even imagine the opportunities that new economy is bringing for us. So today’s kids need to be trained considering the future job skills. They must grow their Intelligence, should have the ability to do multitasking, develop skills, expert in technology. We have to grow them for the time we have not seen yet. The Youth at the time must follow the Global Trends, Their learning must focus on Skills. Fluent in Technology. Then there will be no point to afraid on.

Concluding Remarks

It is obvious that, the change process would not be as easy as we think of. But the preparedness should come from both the Individual and from Organizations level else success would be difficult. Because the concept of cheap labor will no longer exist globally. Most importantly the young generation must follow the Global Trends, their learning must focus on Skills. Fluent in Technology. Then there will be no point to afraid on.