Customer Service

Eight customer service blunders that businesses should avoid

Ignoring the priority of customers
Your staff should put the requirements of the customers and assisting them in achieving their objectives first. But occasionally, customer success managers (CSMs) put corporate development ahead of customer success, which is a common error in customer experience. While driving clients along the sales funnel may be advantageous for your business, it doesn’t encourage customer success and might turn customers off. It’s critical to show your consumers that you actually care about them and how your product or service may help them accomplish their goals in order to avoid making this error.

Example of MoviePass.
Customers of MoviePass, a subscription-based company, may see one film every day for just $10 per month. However, the firm discontinued its service and is unsure of its future when the Better Business Bureau received more than 1,500 complaints. One of the complaints that went viral was from a San Francisco client who had their account abruptly and without warning canceled. She subsequently found out that watching a “premium movie” violated the rules and conditions, resulting in the termination of her membership. This illustration shows how MoviePass put its own success above the comprehension of its customers and could have averted misunderstanding by being transparent about its policies from the beginning.

Not A CSM Leader Who Is Committed
An effective customer experience strategy requires strong CSM leadership. These team captains control team output and give CSMs the resources they need to help clients. It’s critical to choose the right leader for your company if you want it to expand.

American Airlines, for instance. When a traveler boarded an American Airlines aircraft, a flight attendant requested him or her to get off because the cello was thought to be “too big.” Due to a miscommunication, airport police later encircled the passenger. When it was eventually discovered that the airline’s regulations authorized the instrument, it was determined that the customer should have been able to board the original aircraft. This episode highlights how crucial it is to have a committed CSM leader who is knowledgeable about all processes, regulations, and rules and who can serve as a quick source of information when conflicts arise.

Lacking proactively serving customers
Together, customer success and support can deliver the finest experiences. They are essentially different, though. While customer success is proactive, looking to foresee and fix issues before they arise, customer support is reactive, responding to questions with responses. A solid customer success strategy is built on being proactive. Customers will feel appreciated if they receive regular communication, use conversational marketing techniques, and receive assistance along the way.

Example: An incident involving a phony Facebook account made by a user impersonating Target Target’s customer support team occurred. This impersonator made fun of clients who had issues with the business’s new gender-neutral signage. Target should have taken preventative action by designating customer service representatives to keep an eye on social media platforms and foresee what customers could say. They might not have been able to stop the bogus account from being made, but they could have been able to lessen the effects of the scenario with early discovery.

Over engaging Your Clientele
Even though interaction with clients is essential, going overboard with it can backfire and be more annoying than useful. Over-engagement frequently results from uncertainty, and CSMs attempt to get in touch with clients who are silent to make sure they aren’t experiencing any problems. To the detriment of other clients who might actually need assistance, this might result in time wastage. In order to avoid upsetting consumers or wasting agents’ time, finding the ideal engagement balance is crucial.

Comcast, for instance, In order to satisfy a customer’s demands, even account cancellation may be necessary. When a client wanted to discontinue their account, a Comcast agent tried to talk them out of it rather than help them with the cancellation procedure. This mistaken dedication to maintaining client engagement led to a bad experience and drew unfavorable media attention.

Setting ambiguous expectations
Customers will doubt your credibility if you make promises that are unattainable or impractical to fulfill. When you miss a deadline, it decreases trust in your capacity to produce on time. Customers can measure you by a standard that you set by having clear and attainable expectations. Customers will assume you either forgot about them or didn’t appreciate their demands if you offer something and then fail to fulfill. Customers should be quickly informed whenever you are unable to achieve a deadline or expectation in order to minimize this.

Company as in Amazon Unintentionally, a consumer on Amazon spent $88 on an item that really cost $7,455 to delivery. The order was not refunded by Amazon because it was delivered on time, despite several complaints and calling customer support. Before Amazon agreed to compensate the consumer, it took two and a half months and media coverage. Regardless matter how long a customer has been a client of your company, this occurrence emphasizes the value of continually offering excellent customer service.

Building silos for customer success
Silos in customer success develop when teams and departments don’t communicate goals and information, which impedes the delivery of seamless customer experiences. You cannot integrate customer data to understand how consumers benefit from your product, for instance, if sales, marketing, and customer success don’t communicate with one another. For the purpose of achieving corporate objectives and providing superior customer experiences, silo-busting through cross-functional collaboration is essential.

Company Illustration: Spectrum An internet-setup maintenance visit was scheduled by a Spectrum client. When the repair worker didn’t arrive, she called support, who informed her that the worker was on the way. When they couldn’t enter the building, the employee eventually departed. The next appointment was in 15 days, and she would still be charged, the consumer was informed when she phoned assistance once again. She terminated her subscription out of frustration and changed to a rival. This might have been avoided by coordinating the maintenance and customer care teams.

Generalizing specific client outcomes:
Customer experiences that are general undercut customization and fall short of satisfying their unique demands. client success depends heavily on treating each client result differently depending on their own goals and preferences. To provide individualized advise and quicker replies, make sure your staff has appropriate knowledge of each customer. You may also define customized KPIs in your CRM.

Samsung is one such business. client care was contacted by a Samsung client who needed to be home to sign for a parcel but couldn’t afford to leave work. Instead of rigorously sticking to business policy, the customer support agent ought to have taken the matter up with a management to discuss possible exceptions. Negative feedback on Reddit resulted from not meeting the customer’s demands.

Approaching consumers that Are a Bad match:

It is pointless to put time and effort into forming connections with consumers that are a bad match. Early detection and withdrawal from prospects who are a poor fit are crucial. To spot bad-fit prospects and stop them from becoming expensive clients, work closely with the sales and marketing departments.

Propose is a company example. The CEO of Proposify made the decision to “fire” a client who had a history of complaining about the program and making unreasonable requests. The CEO wrote a thorough email in which he admitted fault, apologized, offered a refund, and even provided alternatives from other companies. By taking this action, you won a devoted supporter who saw your commitment to the interests of the consumer.

Adopting a new customer success strategy takes work, but prioritizing customers, being proactive, keeping your word, dissolving silos, and investing in leadership are essential first steps.

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The Consequences of Four Notable Software Failure Cases

A computer and internet connectivity are all you need to build wonderful things, which is the beauty of software development.

Education, money, healthcare, communication, and other sides of our existence all show the importance of software. Software systems have a major flaw, even if they are good at computing vast and complicated data sets: they are made by people. We all commit errors as humans; there are plenty of them. Since faults and failures are inevitable in any software system, this is to be expected.

Our economy now depends on software systems so heavily that every failure of these systems has an impact on the economy. 3.6 billion individuals were impacted by software failure in 2017 and suffered financial losses of $1.7 trillion, according to a study conducted by the software testing company Tricentis [1].

In this essay, We will see instances of software failure and its ramifications to give you an understanding of the potential repercussions that may happen as a result.

St. Mary’s Mercy Hospital is the first case.

Picture receiving a letter from your hospital informing you that you passed away one morning when you checked your mailbox. The 8500 patients who received treatment at St. Mary’s Mercy Hospital between October 25 and December 11 experienced just that. How did it go?

Apparently, the hospital had just improved its patient-management software. Nevertheless, a mapping mistake in the program caused the system to issue a number of 20 (which signifies “expired”) instead of 01, which indicated the patient had been discharged. But it doesn’t stop there. Incorrect information was given to insurance providers, the neighborhood Social Security office, and patients as well. How [2] is done is unclear.


National Health Service, the second instance

Neither not taking your medications at all nor taking the incorrect drug is better, in my opinion. It doesn’t matter which way you look at it, a software flaw caused at least 300,000 cardiac patients to receive the incorrect medication or advice. What then occurred?

SystmOne, a clinical computer program, was found to have a flaw in 2016 that had been causing it to calculate patients’ risk of heart attacks incorrectly since 2009 (see also: 2016). Due to the fact that many patients were assured they were at minimal risk, many experienced heart attacks or strokes, while others experienced unwanted side effects from taking medicine that wasn’t necessary [3].


Third instance: LAX airport air traffic control

The crucial duty of alerting pilots of aircraft of the pertinent information on weather, routes, the distance between other aircraft, and other matters falls to air traffic control. It might be disastrous if you don’t get in touch with the pilots of your aircraft right away.

Air traffic control at the Los Angeles airport lost vocal connection with 400 or more aircraft on September 14, 2004, at about 5 PM, when many of the aircraft were en route to one another in the southwest of the United States. How did it go? Unexpectedly, the principal voice communication system was turned off. A few minutes after it was switched on, the backup system also failed, which was the cherry on top.

The communication system’s internal millisecond timer, which runs continuously, was the root of the issue. It would shut off once it hit zero since it was unable to clock itself. Over 800 aircraft were impacted nationwide by the outage [4].


4th instance: Toyota

Many Toyota owners complained that towards the middle of the 2000s, their cars would accelerate without them having to press the accelerator. Investigators learned that software problems were to blame for the unexpected acceleration following a string of incidents that prompted inquiries.

In this instance, the software in Toyota automobiles had a number of flaws, including memory corruption, improper memory handling, the disabling of safety features, single point of failure systems, and hundreds of global variables. Millions of Toyota automobiles were recalled, and a month after the root of the issue was found, the stock price of Toyota dropped by 20%.

In this instance, the need to release the product quickly shows the costs of not paying enough attention to testing and sound programming techniques.



Various instances of software failure and their effects were investigated in this article. These incidents show how dependent our society is on software and how when it malfunctions, there may be ramifications beyond just the financial ones.

Software systems will include flaws and be vulnerable to failure as long as people are involved in the development process. As programmers, it is our duty to make sure that the systems we created have undergone extensive testing in a variety of accurate and realistic circumstances. In order to make sure that the program we are advertising may truly benefit its users rather than hurt them, this is necessary.

A lot of times, introducing an unproven and incomplete product is driven by competition and the desire to be the first to market. As software users, it is our duty to use the tools we employ to assist our actions rather than slavishly following whatever advice or outcomes they may provide.




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The Story of the Failure of a Software Company

There once existed a software business called InnovateTech. It all started with a group of enthusiastic and gifted people who had a goal to develop ground-breaking software solutions. They set out with high expectations and lofty objectives, but they ran across a number of obstacles along the way that finally brought about their demise.

InnovateTech first concentrated on creating a ground-breaking product that they thought would revolutionize the market. They put a lot of effort and money into research and development, striving for excellence. They concentrated all of their efforts on developing the ideal product, but they overlooked other vital facets of managing a prosperous software company.

Challenge 1: Insufficient market research and comprehension

InnovateTech didn’t carry out adequate market research or comprehend the requirements and preferences of their intended market. They believed that their novel solution would instantly draw clients, but they soon discovered that their offering did not meet the needs of the market. Low consumer uptake and little market penetration were the results of this lack of market understanding.

Challenge 2: Poor project management and communication

The business has issues with team communication and project management. Due to ineffective coordination and weak processes, deadlines were missed and deliverables were behind schedule. Collaboration was hampered by unclear communication routes, which left team members perplexed and frustrated. Their software’s quality worsened as a result, which caused unhappy customers and unfavorable evaluations.

Challenge 3: Poor client relationship management

InnovateTech failed to build trusting client connections and manage client expectations successfully. They struggled to comprehend and meet the needs of their clients because they lacked a focused client management approach. As a result, they had trouble keeping clients happy and obtaining long-term contracts, which hurt their reputation and revenue.

Challenge 4: Lack of Innovation and Adaptability

InnovateTech failed to adapt to changing market conditions and new technological developments. Due to their complacency with their current offering, they neglected to make necessary improvements in order to stay competitive. They lost market share and customers due to their incapacity to develop and provide new features or solutions.

Outcome and Lessons Learned:

Despite having a strong staff and an original idea, InnovateTech failed for a number of reasons.

  • Ignoring market research and consumer knowledge may result in the creation of items that don’t satisfy client needs.
  • Poor project management and communication can cause internal chaos, missed deadlines, and subpar products.
  • Poor client relationship management can result in unhappy clients, lower retention rates, and a detrimental effect on sales.
  • In a market that is evolving quickly, failing to innovate and adapt might result in obsolescence and a loss of market share.

Software firms may learn a lesson from the narrative of InnovateTech. It focuses on how crucial it is to perform market research, set up efficient project management and communication procedures, give client relationship management first priority, and promote an innovative and adaptable culture. Software firms may aim for success and steer clear of the traps that could cause failure by taking note of these lessons.


Author: K M Hasan Ripon, Executive Director, BSDI

Getting old is not a problem (11)

Creating Leaders: A Case Study of Innovative Leadership Development

Leaders should focus on creating new leaders, rather than just managing followers. This article will share the experience of a group of companies that have successfully implemented an innovative approach to leadership development.

The company’s first priority was to eliminate the traditional “One Man Show” mentality and help employees grow by providing new and challenging tasks, learning opportunities, and full support. To achieve this, the company took several steps, this article will outline a few of the leadership development initiatives they implemented:

  1. The company encouraged department leaders and managers to cultivate their second and third tiers of leadership. The goal was to eliminate the traditional “One-Man Show” approach.
  2. The Human Resources Division added a clause to their policy that every employee must complete at least 40 hours of learning each year. The company established partnerships with universities and institutes for learning opportunities, and also provided access to online learning resources through partnerships with online portals. This helped employees improve their knowledge and skills, leading to improved performance at work.
  3. Leaders were instructed to properly delegate tasks and evaluate performance in order to nurture leadership qualities.
  4. The company introduced an Office Management System, where employees were required to input daily and monthly task reports, as well as project completion reports. The intention was to manage the system, not the people, to increase bonding between employees.
  5. Employees were encouraged to present their ideas for revenue generation through the Office Management System, complete with resource planning and mobilization plans, and a team and focal person for implementation. This policy helped employees present their ideas in a structured manner, reducing the possibility of failure.
  6. The company adopted a Hybrid Management Structure, with both top-down hierarchy and bottom-up approaches, allowing for early identification and resolution of critical issues.

Initially, these innovative leadership development strategies faced criticism from some employees, however, a few optimistic leaders embraced the changes and reaped the rewards. Within two years, the company discovered numerous emerging leaders and launched multiple new offerings, services, and systems. The employee retention improved, customer satisfaction grew, and the company’s annual revenue saw a boost of 40%. Most significantly, work was fairly distributed among all staff and the “One Person Show” mentality was completely eradicated.

Creating new leaders is crucial for the growth and success of any organization. By providing learning opportunities, implementing effective management systems, and encouraging employees to take the initiative, organizations can develop a strong and dynamic leadership pipeline.


Author: K M Hasan Ripon, Executive Director, BSDI

Getting old is not a problem (10)

From Scratch to Modernity: The Rise of the Daffodil Smart City

The 10th Convocation of Daffodil International University is set to take place in 24 hours, with the campus in a festive mood and ready to welcome its graduating students, their guardians, and guests. Nearly 13,000 students will attend the event in the Green Campus. I recently came across a video from a previous foundation ceremony back in 2010 and was struck by a speech in which it was announced that, in just 10 years, the students would see the transformation from a Redbrick empty field to a modern green campus, and it would be a great example to the world. Addressing the Graduating Students, Dr. Md Sabur Khan, the visionary leader during the time mentioned in his speech “ I assure you that the Red Empty Brick Field you are visiting today will become a world-class Green campus”.  At the time, many people, including myself, couldn’t believe it but today Daffodil International University has proven that it was not an unrealistic promise, but today it’s a  reality.



The transformation of Daffodil International University is a testament to the power of a leader’s vision to change an entire community and society. The present campus is unrecognizable compared to its appearance 12 years ago, and visitors are always in awe of its modern infrastructure, including the presence of all necessary facilities, transportation, sports zone, academic institutions, entertainment facilities, and a thriving business community. The words and commitment made a decade ago have come to life and have not only transformed the campus but have also transformed the surrounding society. 

The local residents, who used to rely on mostly daily wage earners for their livelihood, have now shifted to business, as 85% of the people are now engaged in the business community. The mindset of the community has changed, and people are now more focused on education and business. Based on its placement, the roads, citizen services, infrastructure, and architectural view of the place the lifestyle, mindset, and culture have been changed, the local community also got the blessings of many modern New shopping centers, financial institutions, medical centers, largest libraries, research centers, Gymnasium, child care center, libraries, auditoriums, swimming pools, and sports facilities have been established, making this transformation a model for others to follow. Apart from the development issues, focusing on the Daffodil International University many national & international institutions, associations, and personalities, visited this locality and through their visit, new development issues are coming forward before the local government too. 



The transformation of Ashulia Center has given the country a new vibe, and Daffodil International University’s transformation over the past 22 years has been recognized and appreciated by others.

Tomorrow, 9th February 2023, around 6,000 students will gather for the convocation ceremony, and another 50,000+ alumni worldwide are ready to welcome them.

If more examples like Akrain, and Ashulia can be set, from a “Scratch to Smart City,” Bangladesh can soon be declared a “Smart Bangladesh.”

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Amena Hasan, Deputy Director, Daffodil International University

Getting old is not a problem (4)

Rise and Shine: The Benefits of Waking Up Early

I used to be a night owl, staying up late to work and believing that it was the best time for me to be productive. However, after deciding to make a change and go to bed early, wake up early, and start my day early, I have seen a significant improvement in my lifestyle and an increase in my productivity after consistently following this routine for a month.

Waking up in the morning has many benefits, including refreshing the mind and starting the day with energy and focus. Additionally, morning light exposure can help regulate circadian rhythms and improve sleep quality, and physical activity in the morning can improve overall health and fitness.

Starting the day with prayer and showing gratitude to Allah can provide spiritual strength and a sense of peace and connection. Many people find that incorporating spiritual practices into their daily routine can help them feel more grounded and focused, and can provide a sense of purpose and direction. Moreover, expressing gratitude can help shift one’s focus from negative thoughts and feelings to positive ones, which can lead to an overall sense of well-being.

After morning prayers, doing some light physical activity can help to improve overall physical and mental fitness. Exercise is known to release endorphins which can improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety. A light workout can help to wake up the body and prepare it for the day ahead. Also, incorporating physical activity into the morning routine can help establish a consistent exercise habit which is essential for maintaining overall health and fitness. It is important to note that it’s always best to consult a doctor or a health professional before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have any health conditions.

After prayers, exercise, breakfast, and a cup of tea, starting the day with creative work such as writing, or tasks that require deep thinking, can be a productive and effective way to begin the day. Engaging in creative activities in the morning can help to stimulate the brain and promote focus and productivity. Deep thinking tasks can also help to get your mind in the right state for problem-solving and decision-making. Furthermore, starting the day with a sense of purpose and accomplishment can help to set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

It is also important to note that waking up in the morning without a goal or plan can be less productive as it can lead to a feeling of aimlessness and lack of direction. Having a clear goal and plan for the day can provide a sense of purpose and motivation, which can help to increase productivity. When you know what you want to achieve and have the plan to get there, you’re more likely to stay focused and motivated throughout the day. Additionally, planning your day in the morning can help you to prioritize tasks, manage your time more effectively, and reduce stress.

Some people believe that waking up early, specifically at 5 am, and starting the day with a set routine, can be beneficial for productivity, focus, and overall well-being. This is known as the “5 am club” and it is based on the idea that the early hours of the morning are less busy and less distracting, which can provide a quiet and focused environment to work, exercise, meditate, or pursue other goals. Waking up early can help to establish a consistent sleep schedule, which is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being.

However, everyone’s sleep needs and schedules are different, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s best to find a schedule that works for you and your lifestyle.



K M Hasan Ripon, Executive Director, BSDI

Email: [email protected]

Getting old is not a problem (3)

Can Soft Skills save humans from Robot/AI

Soft Skills, such as creativity, critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving, are often considered to be unique to humans and difficult or impossible for robots to replicate. As a result, some experts believe that soft skills could help protect human workers from job displacement due to automation.

For example, jobs that require creativity, such as graphic design or writing, may be less likely to be automated because robots currently lack the ability to generate truly original ideas. Similarly, jobs that require critical thinking, such as management or consulting, may be less likely to be automated because robots currently lack the ability to fully understand and analyze complex situations.

Similarly, jobs that require strong interpersonal skills, such as customer service or sales, may be less likely to be automated because robots currently lack the ability to fully understand and respond to human emotions and social cues.

There are many Soft Skills that are considered unique to humans then Robots/AI, including:

  • Understanding and experiencing emotions: Humans have the ability to understand and experience a wide range of emotions, such as joy, sadness, anger, and love, which are critical for social interactions and decision-making.
  • Creativity: Humans have the ability to generate truly original ideas and solve complex problems in unique ways, which is essential for innovation and progress.
  • Empathy: Humans have the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, which is critical for social interactions and building relationships.
  • Decision-making: Humans have the ability to make decisions based on intuition, emotions, and past experiences, which is essential for adapting to new situations and solving problems.
  • Self-awareness: Humans have the ability to reflect on themselves and their actions, which is essential for personal growth and development.
  • Critical thinking: Humans have the ability to analyze and evaluate information, arguments, and ideas, and to form their own opinions and decisions.
  • Adaptability: Humans have the ability to learn and adapt to new situations, cultures, and environments.
  • Intuition: Humans have the ability to make quick decisions based on a combination of past experiences, emotions, and subconscious processing.

However, it’s important to note that while soft skills may make some jobs less vulnerable to automation in the short term, they may not completely protect human workers from job displacement in the long term. With the rapid pace of technological advancements, it’s possible that robots will eventually be able to replicate some or many of the soft skills that are currently considered unique to humans.

Therefore, it’s important for workers to continuously adapt and acquire new skills and knowledge to stay relevant in the job market. This can include not only soft skills but also technical skills in areas such as data analysis, programming, cybersecurity, AI, designing skills, and digital marketing.



K M Hasan Ripon, Executive Director, BSDI

Email: [email protected]

Getting old is not a problem (2)

Are Human and Robots Partners or Competitors?

Humans are the most powerful than any robot or artificial intelligence system that has been created so far. Human is capable of performing a wide range of tasks and functions that are not yet possible for robots or AI systems, such as understanding and experiencing emotions, creativity, and understanding and responding to complex social situations.

Human is also capable of multitasking, recognizing billions of patterns, making decisions, and learning from experience, which is still a challenging task for robots and AI systems. Additionally, humans can adapt and learn new things, while robots and AI systems can only perform the tasks they have been programmed to do.

On the other hand, robots and AI systems can perform specific tasks more quickly and efficiently than humans, such as performing calculations and analyzing large amounts of data.

Currently, robots and artificial intelligence systems are capable of performing a wide range of tasks. These tasks include:

  • Understanding and experiencing emotions: Robots and AI systems can mimic basic human emotions and respond to certain social cues.
  • Creativity: Robots and AI systems can perform certain tasks that require problem-solving and critical thinking.
  • Empathy: Robots and AI systems can be programmed to respond to certain situations.
  • Decision-making: Robots and AI systems can be programmed to make decisions based on certain rules and data.

Tasks that are considered unique to humans include:

  • Understanding and experiencing emotions: Humans have the ability to understand and experience a wide range of emotions, such as joy, sadness, anger, and love, which are critical for social interactions and decision-making.
  • Creativity: Humans have the ability to generate truly original ideas and solve complex problems in unique ways, which is essential for innovation and progress.
  • Empathy: Humans have the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, which is critical for social interactions and building relationships.
  • Decision-making: Humans have the ability to make decisions based on intuition, emotions, and past experiences, which is essential for adapting to new situations and solving problems.
  • Self-awareness: Humans have the ability to reflect on themselves and their actions, which is essential for personal growth and development.
  • Critical thinking: Humans have the ability to analyze and evaluate information, arguments and ideas, and to form their own opinions and decisions.
  • Adaptability: Humans have the ability to learn and adapt to new situations, cultures, and environments.
  • Intuition: Humans have the ability to make quick decisions based on a combination of past experiences, emotions, and subconscious processing.

It’s important to note that while the human is currently considered more powerful than robots and AI systems, it does not mean that robots and AI systems do not have their own advantages. With the rapid pace of technological advancements, it’s possible that robots and AI systems will eventually be able to perform many tasks in the future that are currently considered unique to humans.

It is also essential, to recognize that robots and artificial intelligence are tools created by humans to help humans in various tasks and situations. They can improve efficiency and productivity of human, but they should not be viewed as a replacement for human workers. Instead, a partnership between humans and robots/AI can lead to greater overall success and advancements. By combining the strengths of both humans and robots/AI, we can achieve better results and solve more complex problems.

It’s significant to understand the capabilities and limitations of the technology and use it to complement human skills and expertise. By working together, humans and robots/AI can improve efficiency, productivity, and overall performance in various industries. Therefore, it’s important to view robots and AI as a tool, not as a competitor, and to focus on how they can be used to augment human capabilities and augment our lives.



K M Hasan Ripon, Executive Director, BSDI

Getting old is not a problem (1)

Plan Like a King

As an executive, you are a leader in your organization. You are responsible for guiding your company to success and achieving your goals. One of the most important tools you have at your disposal is your ability to plan.

Just like a king planning his next conquest, an executive must also plan in order to conquer their targets. A well-crafted plan can provide direction, focus, and clarity to your team, and it can help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

The first step in the planning like a king is to set clear and specific goals. These goals should be aligned with the overall mission and vision of your organization, and they should be measurable so that you can track your progress.

Once you have set your goals, it’s time to develop a strategy. This is where you map out the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goals. A good strategy should be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances, and it should be communicated clearly to your team.

Next, you need to assemble your team. Just like a king needs his loyal subjects to help him conquer new territories, an executive needs a team of talented and motivated individuals to help achieve the goals. It’s important to assemble a diverse team with different skills and perspectives, as this will help to ensure that all angles are covered.

As you move forward with your plan, it’s important to stay focused and stay the course. Just like a king must remain focused on his goal of conquest, an executive must also remain focused on their goals in order to achieve success. This means that you need to be willing to make tough decisions and take calculated risks.

Finally, it’s important to measure and track your progress. This will help you to identify areas where you need to improve and adjust your plan. It will also help you to stay motivated and on track.

In conclusion, planning like a king is essential for any executive who wants to conquer their targets. By setting clear and specific goals, developing a strategy, assembling a team, staying focused, and measuring progress, you can position yourself and your organization for success.

Getting old is not a problem

Getting OLD is not a problem, Thinking OLD is a Problem!

It is true that getting older is not a problem in and of itself, but rather it is the tendency to think and act in a way that is rooted in the past that can become a problem. When individuals or organizations become too focused on the past and become resistant to change, it can limit their ability to adapt to new circumstances and opportunities.

When individuals or organizations adopt a “thinking old” mindset, they may become resistant to change, which can limit their ability to adapt to new circumstances and opportunities. This can lead to stagnation, a lack of progress, and missed opportunities. Furthermore, it can also limit the ability to innovate and create new ideas.

On the other hand, if individuals or organizations can maintain a growth mindset, they can continue to learn, grow, and adapt as they age. By staying open to new ideas and perspectives, embracing change, and fostering a culture of innovation and learning, they can continue to be successful in the long term.

We can put a sample case here:

This can be seen in the examples of companies like Nokia and General Motors, who, despite being well-established and successful brands, were ultimately left behind in the market due to their inability to adapt and evolve.

Nokia, for example, was once the dominant player in the mobile phone market. However, as the market shifted towards smartphones, Nokia failed to adapt and was overtaken by companies like Apple and Samsung, who were able to capitalize on this new technology.

Similarly, General Motors was once one of the world’s largest and most successful car manufacturers. However, as the market shifted towards electric and autonomous vehicles, General Motors failed to adapt and invest in these new technologies, ultimately leading to its decline.

In both cases, these companies were unable to adapt to changes in the market and failed to innovate, which ultimately led to their decline. This illustrates the importance of organizations being open to new ideas and perspectives, embracing change, and fostering a culture of innovation in order to stay competitive and succeed in the long term.

Thinking old can lead to a number of negative consequences, such as:

  1. Motionlessness: When individuals or organizations become too focused on the past, they may stop learning and growing, which can lead to motionlessness and a lack of progress.
  2. Inability to adapt: When individuals or organizations are too focused on the past, they may be unable to adapt to new challenges and opportunities, which can make it difficult for them to be successful in the long term.
  3. Lack of innovation: When individuals or organizations become too focused on the past, they may lose their ability to think creatively and develop new ideas, which can limit their ability to innovate.
  4. Missed opportunities: When individuals or organizations become too focused on the past, they may miss out on new opportunities that could benefit them.

It is important for individuals and organizations to stay open to new ideas and perspectives, even as they get older. This can be done by actively seeking out new information and experiences, embracing change, and fostering a culture of innovation and learning. By doing so, they can continue to grow, adapt, and evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of the world around them.

In summary, growing older is not a problem, but thinking old can be. It is important for individuals and organizations to actively work to overcome the tendency to think and act in a way that is rooted in the past and to adopt a growth mindset in order to stay innovative and competitive in today’s fast-paced world.