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Is micro-management within an organization good or bad?

Micro-management is a concept that typically causes conflicting feelings from employees and managers both. Some consider it as a vital strategy to maintaining control and high standards, while others see it as a barrier to creativity and freedom. In this blog, I will try to look at the advantages and disadvantages of micro-management to find out whether it’s a successful managerial style or a barrier to growth and team spirit.

Advantages of Micro-management:

Quality Control: Micromanagement enables managers to closely monitor and maintain high-quality standards in tasks and initiatives.

Immediate Problem Identification: Managers can identify and address any problems or challenges that may develop during project execution.

Clear Direction: Employees who work for a micromanager generally have a strong understand of goals, which may help avoid uncertainty.

Skill Development: Micro-management can provide assistance and facilitate skill development for new or less-experienced personnel.


Micromanagement has the following disadvantages:

Reduced Morale: Employee morale can suffer as a result of regular monitoring, since they may experience a lack of trust and autonomy.

Reduce Creativity: Micro-management may hamper creativity and innovation by making employees afraid to submit new ideas or take risks.

Time-consuming: For managers, it can be a time-consuming method, leaving less time for strategic planning and higher-level responsibilities.

Employee Burnout: The stress of being carefully monitored can lead to employee burnout, negatively impacting overall happiness and job satisfaction.


Finding a Balance:

Customized Approach: Recognize that various persons might need different management strategy. A one-size-fits-all approach may not be effective.

Clear Communication: Explain goals to employees clearly while still leaving open for questions and feedback. This may reduce the need for constant supervision.

Trust Building: Build trust among your team members by recognizing their knowledge and offering opportunity for them to demonstrate their abilities.

Task Delegation: Delegate duties based on individual strengths to enable employees to take ownership of their responsibilities.



While micro-management can be beneficial in some cases, managers must establish a balance that promotes a healthy work the environment. Understanding when to provide direction and when to allow freedom is essential for effective leadership. Managers can modify their strategy to enhance productivity and employee satisfaction by considering both the advantages and disadvantages.



About The Author: K M Hasan Ripon (
K. M. Hasan Ripon is a distinguished figure and a leading career mentor in Bangladesh, recognized for his expertise as an entrepreneurial ecosystem builder and employability specialist. He currently holds key positions, serving as the Executive Director of Bangladesh Skill Development Institute (BSDI), Managing Director of Global Entrepreneurship Network Bangladesh, Executive Director of Daffodil Education Network, and Vice President of Start and Improve Your Business Foundation of Bangladesh.
With a wealth of experience, he has consulted for over 100 national and international organizations, providing training for executive development in areas such as communication, leadership, customer service, team building, negotiation, and problem-solving. Hasan Ripon’s extensive reach includes visits to 64 districts in Bangladesh and travels to 40 countries as a speaker and workshop facilitator. He has inspired over 100,000 youth and graduating students in 100+ public and private universities and polytechnics in Bangladesh, as well as more than 20 international universities.
Hasan Ripon is widely recognized on social networks, with a fan following exceeding 3 million, as a skills activist and inspirational speaker. His previous roles include serving as a short-term consultant at the World Bank, consultant for Industry 4.0 (HTS) at a2i, ICT Division (government agencies), master trainer and industry assessor (CBT&A) at ILO, convener of the National Board of CYFI Bangladesh, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). He also previously served as the local president of JCI Bangladesh (Dhaka Central).

Author Contact: [email protected]


আপনার নতুন বছরের লক্ষ্য বা টার্গেট কি হওয়া উচিত?

আর মাত্র কয়েকদিন বাকি আছে ২০২৩ সাল শেষ হতে। এইতো সেদিন শুরু হয়েছিলো ২০২৩ কিন্তু আর কয়েক ঘন্ট পরেই চলে আসবে নতুন বছর। অতএব আর একমূহুর্ত দেরী না করে নতুন বছরের টার্গেট সেট করতে নেমে পড়ুন। এই ব্লগে আমি কিছু আইডিয়া দিয়ে রাখলাম। আপনারাও শেয়ার করুন নতুন আইডিয়া। যাতে হাজারো মানুষের উপকারে আসে।


দক্ষতা বৃদ্ধির লক্ষ্যঃ
নতুন দক্ষতা অর্জন বা আপনার কর্মজীবনের লক্ষ্যগুলোর সাথে প্রাসঙ্গিক বিদ্যমান দক্ষতাগুলোকে আপগ্রেড করার প্রতিশ্রুতি নিন। বিভিন্ন কর্মশালায় যোগ দিন, অনলাইনের মাধ্যমে প্রফেশনাল কোর্সে অংশ নিন বা আপনার সেক্টরে প্রতিযোগিতামূলক থাকার জন্য বিভিন্ন সার্টিফিকেশন কোর্সে অংশ নিন।


নেটওয়ার্কিং লক্ষ্যঃ
আপনার প্রফেশনাল নেটওয়ার্ক প্রসারিত করার লক্ষ্য নির্ধারণ করুন। বিভিন্ন কর্পোরেট ইভেন্টগুলোতে অংশ নিন, লিংকডইনের মাধ্যমে প্রফেশনালদের সাথে সংযোগ স্থাপন করুন এবং অর্থপূর্ণ সংযোগ তৈরি করতে প্রফেশনাল কথোপকথনে নিজেকে যুক্ত করুন।


চাকরি খোঁজার কৌশলঃ
যদি আপনার চাকরির প্রয়োজন হয় বা বর্তমান চাকরি পরিবর্তনের প্রযোজন হয়, তাহলে আপনাকে অবশ্যই নতুন বছরের শুরুর দিন থেকে পরিকল্পনার রূপরেখা তৈরীর কাজ শুরু করে দিন। অনেক কাজ করতে হবে, পরিশ্রম করতে হবে। যেমন আপনার সিভি আপডেট করুন এবং প্রফেশনালদের দিয়ে চেক করিয়ে নিন, আপনার লিংকডইন প্রোফাইল আপডেট করুন, আপনার কাঙ্খিত পজিশনের কাজের বিবরণী পর্যালোচনা করে সেইভাবে নিজেকে প্রস্তুত করুন এবং প্রতি সপ্তাহে নির্দিষ্ট সংখ্যক চাকরিতে আবেদন করুন।


স্বাস্থ্য এবং সুস্থতাঃ
আপনার মানসিক এবং শারীরিক সুস্থতাকে অগ্রাধিকার দিন। আপনার কর্মজীবনের যাত্রায় সামগ্রিক সুস্থতা বজায় রাখতে আপনার প্রতিদিনের রুটিনে নিয়মিত ব্যায়াম, মননশীলতার অনুশীলন এবং পর্যাপ্ত ঘুম অন্তর্ভুক্ত করুন।


আর্থিক পরিকল্পনাঃ
আপনার ক্যারিয়ারের লক্ষ্যগুলোর সাথে সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ একটি ব্যাক্তিগত বাজেট তৈরি করুন। ভবিষ্যতের ক্যারিয়ার পরিবর্তন বা অপ্রত্যাশিত আর্থিক চ্যালেঞ্জ বিবেচনা করে কৌশলগতভাবে সঞ্চয় করুন এবং সম্ভব হলে বিনিয়োগ করুন।


কর্ম-জীবনের ভারসাম্যঃ
মনে রাখবেন কর্ম জীবনের ভারসাম্যের কোন বিকল্প নেই। যিনি সারাদিন কাজ বা সারাদিন আনন্দ করে বেড়ান তিনি আসলে নিজ হাতে ক্যারিয়ারের ক্ষতি করছেন। এমনভাবে ক্যারিয়ার পরিকল্পনা করুন যাতে কাজের মাধ্যমে প্রয়োজনীয় অর্থ আসে এবং সেই অর্থ দিয়ে নিজের ব্যক্তিগত আগ্রহ বা শখ পূরণ করতে পারেন।



মনে রাখবেন, কেবল নতুন বছরের রেজোলিউশন সেট করাই মূখ্য বিষয় নয় বরং সেগুলোকে অর্জনের জন্য কার্যকরী পরিকল্পনা তৈরি করা অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। নিয়মিতভাবে আপনার অগ্রগতি মূল্যায়ন করুন এবং আপনার ক্যারিয়ারের বিকাশের সাথে সাথে আপনার লক্ষ্যগুলোকে মানিয়ে নিন।


About The Author: K M Hasan Ripon
K. M. Hasan Ripon is a distinguished figure and a leading career mentor in Bangladesh, recognized for his expertise as an entrepreneurial ecosystem builder and employability specialist. He currently holds key positions, serving as the Executive Director of Bangladesh Skill Development Institute (BSDI), Managing Director of Global Entrepreneurship Network Bangladesh, Executive Director of Daffodil Education Network, and Vice President of Start and Improve Your Business Foundation of Bangladesh.
With a wealth of experience, he has consulted for over 100 national and international organizations, providing training for executive development in areas such as communication, leadership, customer service, team building, negotiation, and problem-solving. Hasan Ripon’s extensive reach includes visits to 64 districts in Bangladesh and travels to 40 countries as a speaker and workshop facilitator. He has inspired over 100,000 youth and graduating students in 100+ public and private universities and polytechnics in Bangladesh, as well as more than 20 international universities.
Hasan Ripon is widely recognized on social networks, with a fan following exceeding 3 million, as a skills activist and inspirational speaker. His previous roles include serving as a short-term consultant at the World Bank, consultant for Industry 4.0 (HTS) at a2i, ICT Division (government agencies), master trainer and industry assessor (CBT&A) at ILO, convener of the National Board of CYFI Bangladesh, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). He also previously served as the local president of JCI Bangladesh (Dhaka Central).
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WIT Institute’s 2nd Founding Anniversary, K M Hasan Ripon empowers diploma engineers

WIT Institute celebrated its 2nd founding anniversary with an exciting event on December 15, 2023, held at the Rooftop Garden of Daffodil Plaza in Dhaka, Bangladesh. At the heart of this celebration was a special session on Employability Skills, skillfully facilitated by the esteemed Mr. K M Hasan Ripon.

Equipping Engineers for Success

Mr. Hasan Ripon directed his focus towards empowering graduating Diploma Engineers from diverse public and private polytechnics in Bangladesh with indispensable employability skills. These engineers had recently concluded a four-week internship at WIT Institute.

A Continuous Journey: Insights for Career Growth

Mr. Hasan Ripon emphasized that employability is a continuous journey requiring continuous efforts. He shared valuable insights and practical tips, guiding participants towards enhancing their employability and achieving their career goals.

Key Insights and Tips Shared:

  1. Limiting Expectations: Stressing the importance of managing expectations to avoid unnecessary frustration.
  2. Breaking Comfort Zones: Encouraging participants to embrace change and adapt to new situations for personal growth.
  3. Problem Solving: Featuring a role-play activity illustrating the significance of being proactive problem solvers.
  4. SMART Hard Work: Discussing the benefits of setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals.
  5. Networking: Setting a target for participants to connect with 100 professionals within a year to emphasize the importance of networking.
  6. Communication and Adaptability: Highlighting the role of effective communication and adaptability in the professional world.
  7. Time Management: Providing advice on starting the day early, following a routine, and maintaining mental and physical well-being.
  8. Technology Integration: Encouraging participants to explore and utilize technology, particularly artificial intelligence.
  9. Preparing for Rejection: Sharing insights on learning from rejection for personal and professional growth.
  10. Note Taking: Underscoring the significance of note-taking as a skill to retain and apply acquired knowledge.

Interactive Engagement and Networking

The session was interactive, engaging participants with insightful questions and opinions. Mr. Nazib Rafe, the Founder of WIT Institute, presided over the session. The event concluded with a networking workshop and a group photo, fostering collaboration and camaraderie among the participants. WIT Institute’s anniversary celebration became a platform not just for reflection but for empowerment, setting a tone for future successes in the careers of the participating engineers.


How to Achieve Success in Today’s Business World

Executives need more than just technical skills to do well in today’s dynamic and changing business world. The things that make a great leader stand out are not just typical management skills. Let us look more closely at these brain traits and see why they are so important for success.

Actions that are clear:

Imagine that a boss is in charge of a project but is unaware of what its final goal is. As a result? Plenty of confusion, deadlines were missed, and the project failed in line with the mission of the team. Instead, a leader who is clear about their actions sets clear goals, knows their role, and makes sure that every action fits into the organization’s overall mission.


Results that can be measured:

For example, keeping track of progress is not just about keeping records; it’s also about enjoying successes. Think about a boss who sets clear goals, works hard to reach them, and celebrates every success. This not only boosts mood but also gives useful information for making things better all the time.



A mind that can change:

In a world where new technologies are common, leaders who are open to change perform well. Imagine a boss who quickly learns how to use new tools and methods because they know that being flexible is not only valued but also necessary.


A system based on results:

For example, Good executives put jobs that lead to real results at the top of their list. No matter how big or small the job is, every task is in line with the organization’s main goals. This makes sure that everyone’s work makes a real difference in the company’s progress.


Managing time:

For example, time is the most valuable thing for a boss. Good executives plan, set priorities, and get things done quickly and well. They make the most of their time by handling it well, making sure that every moment works toward the organization’s goals.


An attitude of innovation:

Organizations grow on new ideas, and leaders are very important in encouraging a creative work environment. A leader who is open to new ideas pushes their employees to do the same, which creates innovative solutions and ideas.


Working Together for Excellence:

Imagine a team where leaders work well with their coworkers and are open to different points of view. Teams that work together are more likely to be successful. Collaborative excellence makes sure that the skills of every team member are used to help the group succeed.


Taking responsibility and ownership:

For example: Great leaders are proud of what they hold. They don’t just give out jobs; they also make sure that each one is done correctly. A culture of accountability grows through a company when people are responsible for their actions and the results of those actions.


Making good use of technology:

Executives who use technology well have an advantage over their competitors. They know about new technologies and use them to make their work faster, more accurate, and more productive. Use of technology wisely is a strategic edges in today’s business world.


Sustainable Activities:

Leaders who push for sustainable practices not only help the company succeed, but also leave a lasting impression. By using methods that are good for the environment, they make sure that their effect on the world is green and lasts a long time.


the characteristics that make an executive great today go beyond the usual traits of a leader. When people develop and use these traits, they not only become successful themselves, but they also make a big difference in the success and longevity of the organizations they run. As the business world changes, so must the traits that make leaders good at their jobs and look to the future.


About The Author: K M Hasan Ripon
K. M. Hasan Ripon is a distinguished figure and a leading career mentor in Bangladesh, recognized for his expertise as an entrepreneurial ecosystem builder and employability specialist. He currently holds key positions, serving as the Executive Director of Bangladesh Skill Development Institute (BSDI), Managing Director of Global Entrepreneurship Network Bangladesh, Executive Director of Daffodil Education Network, and Vice President of Start and Improve Your Business Foundation of Bangladesh.
With a wealth of experience, he has consulted for over 100 national and international organizations, providing training for executive development in areas such as communication, leadership, customer service, team building, negotiation, and problem-solving. Hasan Ripon’s extensive reach includes visits to 64 districts in Bangladesh and travels to 40 countries as a speaker and workshop facilitator. He has inspired over 100,000 youth and graduating students in 100+ public and private universities and polytechnics in Bangladesh, as well as more than 20 international universities.
Hasan Ripon is widely recognized on social networks, with a fan following exceeding 3 million, as a skills activist and inspirational speaker. His previous roles include serving as a short-term consultant at the World Bank, consultant for Industry 4.0 (HTS) at a2i, ICT Division (government agencies), master trainer and industry assessor (CBT&A) at ILO, convener of the National Board of CYFI Bangladesh, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). He also previously served as the local president of JCI Bangladesh (Dhaka Central).
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The Power of Time Management to Make You a Better Morning Person

I used to feel that the late-night hours between 12 a.m. and 3 a.m. were great for my creative activities. I kept everything until the late hours of the day, whether it was meetings, instructions, assignments, or producing presentations at the office. My conviction was that I could work calmly and peacefully late at night, and this habit continued in place. Despite continuous advice from elders and seniors in the office to avoid becoming a night owl and to adopt an early sleep and wake-up plan, I ignored their advice and provided my own reasoning.

Over time, I gradually realized that, despite my best efforts, my overall quality of life was not improving significantly; whatever progress I made was slow. During this time, I learned from a University of Westminster study that people who rise early (between 5:22 and 7:21 a.m.) have higher levels of stress hormones than those who wake up later in the morning.

In addition, I spoke with over 100 important leaders in Bangladesh about their daily routines and time management practices. To my surprise, they all started their days early, often between 4:30 and 6 a.m., and finished their evening activities quite early, between 10 and 11 p.m. This newfound realization inspired me to intentionally accept the timeless knowledge symbolized in the proverb “Early to Bed and Early to Rise Makes a Man Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise.”

I made a strong decision one day to turn off my room light at 11 p.m., setting my alarm for 5 a.m. the next morning. I struggled to wake up when the alarm rang out at 5 a.m., finally opening my eyes at 7 a.m. I started my day after eating breakfast. Nevertheless, I repeated it the next night, turning off the lights at 11 p.m. and setting an alarm for 5 a.m. This time, I was able to get out of bed as soon as the alarm rang. I went to the Mashjid for Fajr prayers and then spoke with the Imam, asking for advice on how to develop a good schedule.

During our conversation, the Imam suggested that I incorporate Quranic reading into my daily practice. Despite knowing the Bengali translation, I admitted that I couldn’t read Arabic. The Imam advised me to find a mentor to help me learn Arabic reading and gave me the phone number of a Moulana.

I contacted the Moulana in the evening and asked him to come to my house after Fajr Salah. The goal was to create accountability by requiring me to get up early every morning. The tactic worked because he kept calling me and asking, “Ripon bhai, did you wake up?” I answered every morning, and he taught me Quranic reading, which became a regular part of my routine.

I created a daily routine to improve my general well-being as part of my commitment to a more disciplined lifestyle. This routine is as follows:

  • Sleep Schedule: I go to bed at 11 p.m. every night to ensure that I sleep well. This early bedtime is consistent with the idea of “Early to Bed.”
  • Morning Ritual: I begin my day by getting up at 5 a.m. After a good night’s sleep, the first thing I do is drink a refreshing glass of water to rehydrate my body.
  • Religious Connection: After that, I perform Fajr Salah (morning prayers) and spend time in thanksgiving, creating a connection with God at the start of the day.
  • Knowledge Improvement: To expand my awareness of Islam, I read the Quran and have thoughtful discussions with a mentor, exchanging Islamic knowledge.
  • Physical Activity: As part of my morning routine, I go for a quick walk and engage in light exercises. This not only helps with physical fitness but also acts as a brain booster.
  • Personal Hygiene: Following my morning activities, I take a nice shower to reenergize myself for the day ahead.
  • Healthy Start: One of the most crucial aspects of my plan is to fuel my body with two or three dates coated in honey and a cup of hot tea without milk or sugar. This gives me a nutritious and energy-boosting start to my day.
  • Creativity: After these rituals, I enter into creative activity. Addressing assignments, working on presentations, developing ideas, engaging in creative writing, and any other responsibilities that need creative thinking are examples of this.
  • Healthy Breakfast: After my creative work period, I take a break to enjoy a healthy and delicious breakfast, ensuring that my body receives the nutrition it requires.
  • Office Journey: My morning routine concludes with me leaving the house for work with a refreshed mind, a spiritually enriched start, and a good balance of physical and mental well-being.


This thorough practice shows my dedication to a holistic way of living, incorporating spiritual, physical, and creative components for a better and more fulfilling way of life. I am grateful to the Almighty Allah for the beneficial transformations given to me after a year of faithfully maintaining my modified lifestyle, which includes early rising and a more disciplined routine.

The extensive changes in many areas of my life are visible, and I attribute these gifts to my dedication to my activities. Here’s a full list of the good things that happened to me:

  1. Improved Relationships: The improvements resulted in more positive interactions in both my personal and professional relationships. The early morning routine had a good impact on how I communicated, building stronger bonds with those around me.
  2. Sharpened Focus: The sharpening of my focus was a noteworthy improvement. The discipline of getting up early and following a set schedule helped me focus and pay attention in my everyday responsibilities.
  3. Better Social Skills: I discovered that I was more competent at making friends, allowing for easier and more significant interactions than before. This development in social skills improved the quality of my personal life.
  4. Stress and Anger Management: My disciplined lifestyle helped me manage and control my reactions to stresses and reasons for anger. In the face of challenges, I developed a stronger feeling of calm and resilience.
  5. Improved Physical and Mental Fitness: Morning activities helped to increase both physical and mental fitness. I saw an improvement in my energy levels and overall well-being.
  6. Increased Positivity: In comparison to the previous year, my view on life has improved. The constant practice of a meaningful habit contributes to a more optimistic and joyful attitude.
  7. Increased Creativity: Creativity has increased significantly. Working on creative projects in the early hours of the morning proved to be a stimulus for enhanced imaginative thinking and ideas.
  8. More Opportunities: There was a considerable increase in the number of opportunities that presented themselves. More doors opened, giving opportunities for personal and professional development.
  9. Authorship Accomplishment: The strict practice gave me the mental space and time I needed to put my imagination into authorship. I wrote and published two books, which was a huge accomplishment for me.
  10. Appreciation for Creative Stuff: I received more praise for the creative stuff I created, which included videos, blogs, and articles. The audience grew as a result of the excellent response to my work.
  11. Professional Development: The positive improvements in my personal life transferred to my professional life, where I was given greater responsibility and chances. This led to a better overall career path for me.
  12. Charitable Initiatives: With a stronger sense of purpose and better financial stability, I was able to launch charity initiatives aimed at assisting those in need. This was a huge step toward giving back to the community.

It is essential to follow natural, universal rules rather than depending entirely on man-made regulations. Our creator, who knows the most about our well-being, has given us guidelines. If you want to reach your goals, accept yourself as a morning person and avoid the night owl lifestyle.

However, being a morning person is useless without dreams, vision, goals, and targets. Life is short, and time is our most valuable gift. Do not waste it; time, no matter how much we cry, never comes back.


About The Author: K M Hasan Ripon
K. M. Hasan Ripon is a distinguished figure and a leading career mentor in Bangladesh, recognized for his expertise as an entrepreneurial ecosystem builder and employability specialist. He currently holds key positions, serving as the Executive Director of Bangladesh Skill Development Institute (BSDI), Managing Director of Global Entrepreneurship Network Bangladesh, Executive Director of Daffodil Education Network, and Vice President of Start and Improve Your Business Foundation of Bangladesh.
With a wealth of experience, he has consulted for over 100 national and international organizations, providing training for executive development in areas such as communication, leadership, customer service, team building, negotiation, and problem-solving. Hasan Ripon’s extensive reach includes visits to 64 districts in Bangladesh and travels to 40 countries as a speaker and workshop facilitator. He has inspired over 100,000 youth and graduating students in 100+ public and private universities and polytechnics in Bangladesh, as well as more than 20 international universities.
Hasan Ripon is widely recognized on social networks, with a fan following exceeding 3 million, as a skills activist and inspirational speaker. His previous roles include serving as a short-term consultant at the World Bank, consultant for Industry 4.0 (HTS) at a2i, ICT Division (government agencies), master trainer and industry assessor (CBT&A) at ILO, convener of the National Board of CYFI Bangladesh, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). He also previously served as the local president of JCI Bangladesh (Dhaka Central).

Common Reasons Behind Startups Failure In Bangladesh

Over the past several years, there has been a notable surge in the aspiration of Bangladeshi youth to become entrepreneurs or company founders. In a nation with an approximate population of 180 million and an average age of 27.1 years (according to Worldometer), the increasing enthusiasm for entrepreneurship is a positive indication of economic progress.

The lack of full-time-paid job prospects is not only restricted to Bangladesh but also affects the worldwide environment. In 2023, I undertook a journey to over 30 universities and polytechnics, where I provided mentorship, delivered talks, and facilitated workshops. Through these encounters, I discovered that, on average, 30% of students in a class expressed a preference for pursuing entrepreneurship instead of a conventional job.

The remarkable change in perspective is deserving of recognition, and the government and other stakeholders should be credited for their relentless efforts in inspiring young people to engage in entrepreneurship. International funding agencies are actively contributing to the promotion of entrepreneurship development in their programs.

However, despite the prevailing enthusiasm, it is an undeniable fact that a significant proportion of businesses encounter failure, with over 70% failing to survive beyond the initial year (according to CB insights).

The Common Challenges

Being extensively engaged in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, I have made deliberate attempts to comprehend the causes of these failures and have successfully recognized common pitfalls.

  • An ongoing obstacle is the mistaken belief that starting a business requires a significant amount of initial funding. A multitude of ambitious entrepreneurs, particularly those coming from rural regions and beyond the city center, are overflowing with creative ideas. However, individuals frequently yield to a rigid attitude, believing that they are unable to start a startup without substantial cash or waiting for grants. As a result, promising ideas diminish.
  • Another significant observation is the absence of adequate market research and networking. Many ambitious entrepreneurs encounter failure in establishing connections with established businesses or in seeking solutions due to their poor questioning. Concepts may ignite, but without effective research and collaboration, they have difficulty gaining momentum.
  • Collaboration is an essential element of entrepreneurship, but certain entrepreneurs have a tendency to excessively depend on the abilities of others. For example, individuals who want to develop technology-based businesses may collaborate with friends who are knowledgeable about technology. However, when these coworkers leave for any cause, startups become vulnerable to failure.
  • There is a noticeable gap in financial literacy. A lot of entrepreneurs lack understanding of product costing, initial investments, fixed and variable expenditures, as well as the complexities of annual planning, which includes marketing, hiring, sales, and accounting.
  • Based on my personal observations, the primary factors contributing to the failure of startups are typically legal obstacles, cash misallocation, insufficient market analysis, and a lack of financial expertise. Tackling these difficulties requires a comprehensive approach.
  • Although the government has made praiseworthy endeavors to promote an entrepreneurial ecosystem, there continue to be legal complications. Enhanced and entrepreneur-friendly rules and regulations can greatly promote an environment that is favorable for innovation and the expansion of businesses.

Piloting Solution

Within the domain of entrepreneurship, conversations frequently center around obstacles, although it is the solutions that genuinely create the path to achievement. As a passionate supporter of promoting entrepreneurship among youths, we have developed a comprehensive solution. The solution is presented as a structured course module named InnoBiz which consists of three essential components:

  • Idea Development and
  • Business Plan Development with Pitching Strategies
  • Compiling of all Legal documentation with Access to Funding Support

The implementation phase entailed validating the module’s correctness with stakeholders. In order to execute the program, we have chosen Daffodil Polytechnic as the model institution and are in the process of establishing an Entrepreneurship Development Club to foster an entrepreneurial culture and mindset. An individual was selected to supervise club operations with the assistance of a committed team of five members. Six individuals were prepared with the requisite abilities through a training of trainers program.

A rigorous selection procedure was developed to find prospective entrepreneurs, which included administering a questionnaire to 200 candidates. Following rigorous workshops and seminars, a total of 25 students were chosen based on their objectives and dedication. The participation of reputable startup founders and mentors, who shared significant insights and experiences, further increased the program’s effectiveness.

In order to get investments, strategic alliances were established with Bangladesh Venture Capital Limited and KnowledgeVale, a provider of co-working spaces. After the logistical and resource developments, the group of 25 students participated in a vigorous 8-week program focused on developing entrepreneurial skills. This program included two weeks of classroom-based activities and six weeks of practical work both in the field and at a desk. The 25 trainees and 6 mentors maintained constant communication using WhatsApp and Google Meet. Various forms, tools, and research data were exchanged and discussed online and offline during desk jobs.

After finishing the program, the students acquired expertise in several areas, such as financial literacy, product/service costing, team building, branding and promotion, investment strategies, market research, sales strategies, cost analysis, profit forecasting, cash flow management, funding sources for startups, legal documentation, human-centered problem-solving, prototype development, and idea presentation and pitching.

Outcomes Piloting Solutions

The Entrepreneurship Festival marked the summit of this undertaking, during which the 25 students exhibited their prototypes aimed at addressing the specific challenges described in their business ideas. Prominent startup founders offered significant insights derived from their experiences. Bangladesh Venture Capital examined and authorized the business’s ideas, resulting in immediate financing for two students, while others launched the businesses using their own funds. These 25 students are now getting mentorship support through the Entrepreneurship Development Club.

This model emphasizes the significance of not only motivation but also the necessity for a comprehensive approach that includes multiple stakeholders. By implementing comparable entrepreneurial models, universities, colleges, and institutions globally may facilitate the transformation of our skilled young individuals from passive job seekers to active job creators. This, in turn, will cultivate a climate of innovation and economic empowerment.


To sum up, promoting entrepreneurship in Bangladesh needs an in-depth approach that includes improved networking opportunities, financial literacy, and regulatory reforms. By tackling these obstacles, we can enable the ambitious entrepreneurs of Bangladesh to transform their innovative ideas into thriving enterprises, ultimately boosting the country’s economic fulfillment.


About The Author: K M Hasan Ripon
K. M. Hasan Ripon is a distinguished figure and a leading career mentor in Bangladesh, recognized for his expertise as an entrepreneurial ecosystem builder and employability specialist. He currently holds key positions, serving as the Executive Director of Bangladesh Skill Development Institute (BSDI), Managing Director of Global Entrepreneurship Network Bangladesh, Executive Director of Daffodil Education Network, and Vice President of Start and Improve Your Business Foundation of Bangladesh.
With a wealth of experience, he has consulted for over 100 national and international organizations, providing training for executive development in areas such as communication, leadership, customer service, team building, negotiation, and problem-solving. Hasan Ripon’s extensive reach includes visits to 64 districts in Bangladesh and travels to 40 countries as a speaker and workshop facilitator. He has inspired over 100,000 youth and graduating students in 100+ public and private universities and polytechnics in Bangladesh, as well as more than 20 international universities.
Hasan Ripon is widely recognized on social networks, with a fan following exceeding 3 million, as a skills activist and inspirational speaker. His previous roles include serving as a short-term consultant at the World Bank, consultant for Industry 4.0 (HTS) at a2i, ICT Division (government agencies), master trainer and industry assessor (CBT&A) at ILO, convener of the National Board of CYFI Bangladesh, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). He also previously served as the local president of JCI Bangladesh (Dhaka Central).

Identifying Customer Needs: The Basis of Profitable Business

Launching a business is like going on an exciting yet challenging journey. Knowing what customers actually want is crucial, whether you’re opening a brand-new store or launching a hip new venture. Any business’s ability to satisfy customers and fulfill their needs is what determines its success. Let’s examine some key aspects of consumer behavior and how firms might satisfy them:

Improving Happiness and Comfort:

The finest things are those that provide comfort and happiness to others. A company that knows what makes its clients happy may produce products that they will truly like and enjoy.

  • Example: A world of delight and imagination is brought to clients by Disney, a company well-known for its wonderful entertainment, which reassures them via beautiful encounters. Global coffee chain Starbucks improves comfort by providing a variety of comfortable drink options and a warm, inviting atmosphere. Technology behemoth Apple makes people’s lives easier with slick, intuitive products that fit into their daily routines. Traveling might seem more like home with the help of Airbnb, a pioneer in the sharing economy, which provides a cozy and tailored housing experience. A large music library and customized playlists created by Spotify, a music streaming service, allow users to choose music that suits their tastes and creates a calming and pleasing listening experience.

Relieving Pain and Providing Help:

It’s fantastic when a company can help solve a problem or improve a difficult situation! People will strongly like a product or service that may make something hard easier, and they may even become loyal customers.

  • Example: Both the well-known meditation apps Headspace and Calm offer users peaceful experiences and guided sessions to help them efficiently manage stress and anxiety and promote mental health. Nike, a well-known brand for sports apparel, not only supports mental health but also physical activity by encouraging a positive outlook through its famous “Just Do It” concept. Leading sports clothing company Lululemon appeals to consumers who lead active, healthy lifestyles by incorporating mindfulness into their designs.

Saving Time:

Time is a precious resource in our busy environment. Companies that are able to save their clients’ time are really awesome. People love simplicity and quickness!

  • Example: Google‘s effective search engine has significantly reduced user time, revolutionizing the way we obtain information. Google expedites the process of conducting research and retrieving data by providing fast access to a wide range of information. Amazon is a leader in online shopping, providing a one-stop shop for a vast array of goods. Amazon saves customers time and effort by offering delivery services that are dependable and swift, replacing the need for conventional shopping. Uber has completely changed the way people travel by offering a quick and easy substitute for traditional taxis. Users may quickly request a trip using an easy-to-use smartphone interface, doing away with the waiting time associated with conventional transportation services. FedEx is a well-known international courier delivery business that offers dependable and quick shipping options.

Boosting Financial Security:

Money is a necessity for all people. Companies that offer financial savings or income generation opportunities are going to be popular. Showing how a product or service makes money for people is an excellent way to win over customers.

  • Example: Visa, a multinational payments technology firm, makes safe and easy financial transactions possible, enabling people to easily make purchases both online and offline. PayPal, a well-known online payment provider, enables customers to send money, conduct secure transactions, and do business online with ease. Renowned investment management firm Vanguard focuses on exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds. Vanguard, which prioritizes affordable investing solutions, helps its clients achieve financial stability and long-term asset creation by offering diverse and well-planned investment portfolios. Square is a payment and point-of-sale solutions provider that is revolutionizing financial transactions, especially for small companies.

Maintaining Our Health:

Maintaining our health is crucial. Companies that provide goods and services to promote health are in high demand. Customers love companies that are concerned about their well-being.

  • Example: Fitbit is a well-known company in the health and wellness space, with a focus on wearable fitness gear. Whole Foods, a prestigious brand of grocery stores, emphasizes health and wellbeing in all of its product offerings. Peloton is redefining fitness via the integration of technology with workout gear. Well-known for its treadmills and stationary bikes, Peloton provides a distinctive workout experience with live and recorded sessions that can be accessed from home.


Understanding these important things can help businesses plan how to make customers happy. Doing surveys, asking customers for their thoughts, and keeping an eye on what’s popular are great ways to make sure a business gives people what they want.

In the end, a successful business is all about being kind and understanding. By knowing what makes customers happy, a business can grow and become super successful.



About The Author: K M Hasan Ripon
K M Hasan Ripon is a distinguished figure and a leading career mentor in Bangladesh, recognized for his expertise as an entrepreneurial ecosystem builder and employability specialist. He currently holds key positions, serving as the Executive Director of Bangladesh Skill Development Institute (BSDI), Managing Director of Global Entrepreneurship Network Bangladesh, Executive Director of Daffodil Education Network, and Vice President of Start and Improve Your Business Foundation of Bangladesh.
With a wealth of experience, he has consulted for over 100 national and international organizations, providing training for executive development in areas such as communication, leadership, customer service, team building, negotiation, and problem-solving. Hasan Ripon’s extensive reach includes visits to 64 districts in Bangladesh and travels to 40 countries as a speaker and workshop facilitator. He has inspired over 100,000 youth and graduating students in 100+ public and private universities and polytechnics in Bangladesh, as well as more than 20 international universities.
Hasan Ripon is widely recognized on social networks, with a fan following exceeding 3 million as a skills activist and inspirational speaker. His previous roles include serving as a Short Term Consultant at World Bank, Consultant for Industry 4.0 (HTS) at a2i, ICT Division (Government agencies), Master Trainer & Industry Assessor (CBT&A) at ILO, Convener of the National Board of CYFI Bangladesh, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). He also previously served as the Local President of JCI Bangladesh (Dhaka Central).

Effective Strategies for Job Search

Job searching can be hard, but if you know what to do, you can improve your chances of getting the right position. Here are some successful ways to look for a job:

Set clear goals: Figure out what you want from a job and what your work goals are. When you know what you want, it’s easier to search for it.

Optimize Your Resume: Each time you apply for a job, change your resume to fit the job. Showcase skills and events that are important. Use words and phrases from the job ad.

Make a presence online: Make sure you have a good LinkedIn page. Talk to people who work in your field. Share useful information and take part in conversations.

Network: Tell the people you know that you are looking for a job. Go to events in your field, join professional groups, and talk to people you know for help and leads.

Job Search Engines: Use well-known sites like Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and SimplyHired to find a job. Set up job alerts for certain words or phrases.

Visit the careers pages: Visit the career pages of the websites of companies you’re interested in. Many job openings are posted on their websites before they are posted on job boards.

Recruitment agencies: If you’re looking for specialized jobs, you might want to work with a recruitment agency or headhunter.

Professional Associations: In many fields, professional groups post job openings. Join these groups and look at the job boards they have.

Job Fairs: Go to career fairs and job fairs near you. It’s a great way to meet face-to-face with possible employers.

Use social media: In addition to LinkedIn, you can follow business and job search accounts on Twitter and Facebook. Some jobs are posted on social media sites.

Personal Branding: Share what you know online to build your personal brand. Write papers, make videos, or give talks about what interests you.

Volunteer or Intern: Volunteering or working at a company can sometimes lead to a full-time job. It’s a chance to show what you can do.

Cold outreach: If you’re interested in a certain company, send them a cold email letting them know what you can offer them.

Informational Interviews: Ask people in your field to meet with you for informational interviews. This can help you learn more about the business and find jobs you might not have known about.

Skill Development: You can improve your skills by taking online classes and getting certifications. It can help you look like a better option.

Set up a plan: Look for a job like it’s your job. Set aside time every day to look for jobs, fill out applications, and follow up.

Personalize your cover letter: For each application, write a unique cover letter. Tell them why you’d be a good fit for the job and business.

Maintain Personal Website: Website can give you huge advantages specially in Google search. There are many ways where you can create your personal website for free. Get someone with who can help you developing your website. Even I belive you are enough to use free tools like Google Sites to create your own website.

Video Resume: Now a days employer prefers video resume. Video Resume can give you enormous opportunities as it has no border. Even you don’t know who is watching your video resume. There are many sample Video resumes are available in YouTube which you can follow to develop your own.

Say Thank You: Send thank-you emails and follow-up texts after you apply or have an interview. It shows how much you care and how skilled you are.

Positivity: Stay positive and keep going. Looking for a job can be disheartening. Stay positive, keep trying, and learn from every interview and failure.

Professional Growth: Use the time you are looking for a job to improve your skills. You could go to workshops, get certified, or learn how to use new tools.

Remember that finding a job isn’t just about how many you find, but also how good they are. Pay attention to applying for jobs that are a good fit for your skills and work goals. Good luck with finding a job!


About The Author: K M Hasan Ripon
K M Hasan Ripon is a distinguished figure and a leading career mentor in Bangladesh, recognized for his expertise as an entrepreneurial ecosystem builder and employability specialist. He currently holds key positions, serving as the Executive Director of Bangladesh Skill Development Institute (BSDI), Managing Director of Global Entrepreneurship Network Bangladesh, Executive Director of Daffodil Education Network, and Vice President of Start and Improve Your Business Foundation of Bangladesh.
With a wealth of experience, he has consulted for over 100 national and international organizations, providing training for executive development in areas such as communication, leadership, customer service, team building, negotiation, and problem-solving. Hasan Ripon’s extensive reach includes visits to 64 districts in Bangladesh and travels to 40 countries as a speaker and workshop facilitator. He has inspired over 100,000 youth and graduating students in 100+ public and private universities and polytechnics in Bangladesh, as well as more than 20 international universities.
Hasan Ripon is widely recognized on social networks, with a fan following exceeding 3 million as a skills activist and inspirational speaker. His previous roles include serving as a Short Term Consultant at World Bank, Consultant for Industry 4.0 (HTS) at a2i, ICT Division (Government agencies), Master Trainer & Industry Assessor (CBT&A) at ILO, Convener of the National Board of CYFI Bangladesh, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). He also previously served as the Local President of JCI Bangladesh (Dhaka Central).