Getting old is not a problem (7)

The Power of Cooperation: A Path to Success

I embrace cooperation over competition. In today’s world, collaboration and cooperation are crucial for achieving goals. Competition is important, but it should only be with oneself. One must strive to be better than they were yesterday, demonstrate new skills and work with others.

During my student years, I learned the notion of beating others to secure a top position. My friends held similar beliefs. Sadly, many of us failed and became frustrated. However, during an art competition, I saw my daughter and her friends sharing their colored pencils. I asked why and she replied, “They’re all my friends and we each have different ideas, sharing tools won’t impact our ideas but bring inner peace.” She said her school and teachers taught her this philosophy.

During a trip to Australia to study effective teaching methods, I was awarded a scholarship to study at TAFE Hunter Institute in Newcastle for a project on Competency-Based Education for Higher Education. I learned that there’s no such thing as “PASS” or “FAIL” but instead “Competent” or “Not Yet Competent”. When I asked my supervisor why they eliminated those words, he said “PASS” or “FAIL” create negative energy and ruin the theme of cooperation and collaboration.

I applied these new insights in my team and workplace, with great results. There was no competition, just teamwork towards a common goal. Collaboration and cooperation increased. Instead of rejection, the word “Improvement” was used. To produce the best results, each team member must work together to bring out their best. Teams with unity, positive thinking, cooperation, and collaboration will reach their goals. The question now is how to enhance cooperation and collaboration within a team.

Enhancing cooperation and collaboration within a team can be achieved through several effective strategies. One way is to encourage open communication and active listening, where team members are encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas and actively listen to each other to promote understanding.

Another way is to foster a positive and inclusive team culture by promoting trust, respect, and a sense of belonging among team members. Setting clear roles and responsibilities for each team member, and encouraging teamwork and collaboration on projects and tasks can also help to promote cooperation and collaboration within the team.

For example, a team could hold regular check-ins to discuss progress and ensure everyone is aligned, and allocate tasks based on each team member’s strengths and interests to maximize their contributions and build a strong sense of teamwork.

In conclusion, Cooperation is the way to go. Competition, a concept rooted in outdated 20th-century capitalist ideals, is no longer relevant. Cooperation and collaboration within a team are crucial for achieving success and reaching common goals. By prioritizing cooperation and collaboration, teams can work together effectively and achieve their targets in a harmonious and productive manner.


K M Hasan Ripon, Executive Director, BSDI

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