Developing Responsible Global Citizen

Now a days, “Think global” has become a very famous slogan which indicates an education system to develop Global Citizenship. It is evident that we are experiencing significant and substantial global challenges which have brought opportunities before us. Accordingly, we need to prepare our young generation to grasp the chances. Therefore, the development of Curriculum of Excellence has become very much essential.


On the other hand, to ensure sustainable development means to accept responsibility for the well-being of future generations. In the developed countries it has become an important agenda in all aspects of Education Systems. In developing and least-developed countries the socioeconomic challenges are enormous. This fact helps us to realize the need to strengthen the institutions for sustainable human development in these countries.


The develop countries are giving effort to develop global citizenship for recognizing our responsibilities towards each other and the wider world. As a result young people would be able to take up their place in the world, contribute to it confidently, successfully and effectively, understanding the rights and responsibilities of living and working in a globalized world. Their learning is focused on the following factors:


  • learning through global contexts
  • learning on a globalized world
  • learning for life and work in a global society


The Education Systems equips them with skills, knowledge, values and attitudes required to understand and address complex global issues which often transcend individual disciplines. The knowledge on Sustainable Development issues enabling children and young people to appreciate the interdependence of people and the environment and motivating them to live sustainably. Also encourage them contributing to a fair and equitable society that is living within the environmental limits of our planet, both now and in the future


On the other hand, the education systems of developing countries are not yet focused to develop the global citizens. Some institutions are taking initiative to develop the curriculum and taking steps to make positive changes in course curricula.


At this stage we need to focus on three issues to bring a change in Higher Education Systems:

  • To set the Vision of our higher Education Systems
  • To identify and communicate good practice in Higher Education Institution
  • To look at areas where policy solutions may be needed ensure sustainable development through to support higher education.


In Bangladesh The concept of “sustainable development’ is not entirely new but the challenge it poses to society and particularly to the education system. Some of the education institutes really teach us sustainable development issues and ensures its practices but its promotion and practices are not focused. Therefore, rest of the institutions remains unaware of such global issues.

But if we really want to achieve sustainable development, all stake-holders in society must actively engage and accept their share of responsibility. Educators will play a significant role in raising awareness for sustainable development across borders and cultures and ensure education for sustainable development. Our overall goal should be to-


  • Environmental integrity
  • Economic viability and
  • Society for present and future generations
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